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JULY 1, 2021!


Showcase your best and worst landings in BRAVO 737 House Livery and send it to us in July for a chance to win B737 Merch!

The rules are easy. Simply fly the official BRAVO 737 House Livery in either the Zibo 737, IXEG 737-300/400Fly JSIM 737-200 or the stock Laminar Research 737. When you are landing, record the landing either via your computer (preferably) or externally by a smart device/phone.

After you take your favorite, upload them to YouTube or similar and send us the link. Entrants may submit one video landing a day from the period of July 1-July 31, 2021. At the end of the month, two winners for the best and two winners for the worst landing will be chosen. The winning video submissions will receive a BRAVO 737 T-Shirt.

If you submit your video and post about it online (Facebook, Instagram, etc.) and tag BRAVO737 and use the hashtag #IFLYBRAVO737, take a screen cap of the post and submit it too, you will automatically be entered into an additional drawing for one of three $25 USD Amazon Gift Card.

Upload File

By participating in this contest, you understand and agree that the videos submitted, and any piece of the videos will be judged and awarded at the sole discretion of BRAVO 737. Awards will be given the following Monday after the Friday May deadline. One entry per person, per day. 

Social media submissions are voluntary and can be disqualified for any reason. One gift card will be awarded based on a random drawing of entrants during the month of July, 2021.

BRAVO 737 may use your video(s) for any promotions in accordance with this contest or future contests on our website, social media channels and other promotional items without any further consent.

BRAVO 737 can end the contest at any time, for any reason without awarding any winners.

Thank you for submitting your pics to BRAVO 737! Good Luck!

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If you choose to show your social media post, makes sure to capture the post, the social media channel (Facebook, Instagram, etc.) and the group or place you posted. Also, please make sure you tag BRAVO737 and use the hashtag #IFLYBRAVO737 to be eligible for the AMAZON Gift Card.




BRAVO 737 Logo
Flight Simulation Association
BRAVO 737 Logo
The Pilot Club logo
Allied Cockpit Equipment ACE LOGO

BRAVO 737 is a website dedicated to flight simulation enthusiasts interested in add-ons, events and other associated community opportunities. This website is for entertainment purposes only. We ask all that utilize this website, the files offered, events, reviews, etc. understand that it is done as a community outreach to others interested in flight simulation. The use of any and all materials is at one's own risk. We also encourage a community of positive exchanges and learning opportunities. Simmers of all ages and backgrounds can enjoy this hobby. Allow them to do so.

The brands and likeness of any logos or aircraft liveries are done for entertainment purposes and the pleasure only of our users. We do not claim to own or have rights to the logos, simply enjoy flying aircraft from defunct airlines.

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