JULY 1, 2021!
Showcase your best and worst landings in BRAVO 737 House Livery and send it to us in July for a chance to win B737 Merch!
The rules are easy. Simply fly the official BRAVO 737 House Livery in either the Zibo 737, IXEG 737-300/400, Fly JSIM 737-200 or the stock Laminar Research 737. When you are landing, record the landing either via your computer (preferably) or externally by a smart device/phone.
After you take your favorite, upload them to YouTube or similar and send us the link. Entrants may submit one video landing a day from the period of July 1-July 31, 2021. At the end of the month, two winners for the best and two winners for the worst landing will be chosen. The winning video submissions will receive a BRAVO 737 T-Shirt.
If you submit your video and post about it online (Facebook, Instagram, etc.) and tag BRAVO737 and use the hashtag #IFLYBRAVO737, take a screen cap of the post and submit it too, you will automatically be entered into an additional drawing for one of three $25 USD Amazon Gift Card.

If you choose to show your social media post, makes sure to capture the post, the social media channel (Facebook, Instagram, etc.) and the group or place you posted. Also, please make sure you tag BRAVO737 and use the hashtag #IFLYBRAVO737 to be eligible for the AMAZON Gift Card.